Seagull silliness

As I was on the phone with Mom earlier today, I noticed a few seagulls had landed on our front lawn. I looked up at my neighbor’s balcony just in time to see a few crumbs being tossed. And as expected, the driveway and roof next door looked like a Hitchcock movie in 2 seconds.

The seagulls nest in the cove next to my house, so one crumb thrown on the ground will bring dozens of them into the streets and yards. I find them amusing, but I’ve refrained from feeding them from my porch since I’ve lived here. I don’t think my neighbors or husband would be too happy with me if I caused a literal shit show all over our windows, cars, and decks. I’ve often heard seagulls being referred to as “obnoxious rats with wings.” And I remember how pissed Dad would get when I fed them from inside of his freshly washed truck. I don’t particularly want to face anybody’s wrath for bringing forth feathered bomb squads from the sky.

But I do enjoy the crazy visits from the little monsters when someone offers up the occasional birdie treat. To me, it’s just another fun part of coast life.

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